A small collection of journal writings that include the words 'float', 'gravity', and 'water' over images of playing with the water somewhere in Minnesota.
Let me float on the smile of perfection that holds the sky's reflection.
is love the womb we all return to?
do we swim, float, or sink?
surrender to the water
must we drown in the womb of our first mother
become her and birth ourselves again?
can I breathe in this watery womb of being born again?
graviception: the perception of gravity
a word to describe the sense of gravity
gravity as theory
just a story that we all buy and accept as truth
gravity is awesome
a gentle somatic tool of grounding by way of being held
but not just held - there is an ease to this holding of us that gravity takes no burden to
an unconditional holding
without any effort
because....gravity is just gravity
help me sink into these bones
this soil and earth
help me sense my presence on this massive rock
hold me without asking for anything
expect no investment on return
as it takes a glimpse of my assured existence
gravity, help me trust
that I am a kept woman of the ground
keep me breathing breathable air
remind me I can trust myself like this
may I float with gravity
forever and ever
I've eaten enough of Christ's body to know my body is holy
I've drunk enough of Christ's blood to know the blood I bleed is holy
I've been showered under enough holy water to know all water is holy
I was born a Catholic and I will die a whore - I don't see the difference
the best is yours,