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Consent and Discretion Agreement

last updated: April 2024

As a client of Elle Fox you are asked to review the following consent and discretion agreement. These statements must be agreed upon prior to the initiation of services. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak them with an honest mind and heart. Open communication is highly appreciated.


As a client and/or provider of somatic healing with bodywork, energy healing, and intuitive arts… (And as a conscious, breathing human…)

• I take full responsibility for my body and my actions towards other people. I will not place intentional harm onto myself or another person.

• I have the right to feel safe when others touch me and I can say NO when it feels right to do so. My 'no' is welcome here.

• I have the right to say YES when it feels right to do so. I will give permission on how I am to be touched.

• I have the right to change my YES to a NO and vice versa. I can change my mind. Consent is fluid and can change.

• I will ask permission to touch another person and respect their boundaries. I will not touch before asking or without being given permission.

• I will provide clear boundaries on where and how I desire to be touched. 




As a provider, Elle agrees to the following:


• I will not share client’s private information.

• I will not discuss session details with anyone without written permission from the client. I will not falsify testimonials based on your experiences. 

• I will not share session notes and will use best practices to keep them private. I may keep notes on sessions for the following purposes: to remember who you are, your requests, your goals, previously discussed likes, don’t likes [face cradle, hot stones, etc.], and any other information that is helpful as we progress. 

• I will not cause harm to your personal reputation or go public with what occurs in our private sessions beyond what is necessary to protect my bodily rights.

• I will not pursue a personal relationship outside of professional boundaries.


As a client, you agree to the following statements:


• I will not share or post my provider’s private information anywhere on the internet. *I understand I am welcome to leave a review on Google without permission.

• I will not post my provider’s information on any website, including review sites, advertising sites, or any other website without her direct permission in writing.

• I will not infringe on my provider’s basic copyright protection (posting pictures without permission, using direct language from provider’s personal social media accounts or advertisements, etc.)

• I will not pursue a personal relationship with my provider outside of the agreed upon professional boundaries.

• I understand my rights as a client of Alternative Medicine under State of MN Statute

• If I see my provider listed on a site that does not seem to align with her scope of practice, I will notify my provider that I reported the posting as false or fraudulent. For those who have done are my angels on Earth :)

• I understand that my name, phone number, email address, and/or other information may be requested and used to verify who I am. I agree to provide all information requested for my provider to appropriately practice highest safety standards. 

FRIES Consent

Consent is prioritized before, during, and after a session. Both the client(s) and provider share an understanding that consent is a fluid practice. Everyone present during a session will give consent to be touched before being touched.


Adjusted from Planned Parenthood's framework for consent:

F: Freely Given

R: Reversible

I: Informed

E: Embodied (changed from enthusiastic)

S: Specific 

Freely Given:

  • Everyone feels comfortable and confidence to say No and Yes

  • Absence of pressure or force to do something

  • Power dynamics are addressed: Giver & Receiver, Client & Provider


  • Both receiver and giver can change their minds

  • Offerings are subject to change

  • Acknowledges flow of consent within and outside of the duration of a session



  •  The receiver will dress to their comfort level, lay face down and supine on a massage table, and be touched by the giver for an agreed amount of time on the day an appointment is scheduled for

  • Touch will begin with a towel at the feet and move up the body to the head


  • Everyone is able to express an embodied presence in participation

  • Everyone is in tune and aligned with the sensations that influence or are impacted by their decision making

  • Everyone is sober (or Cali sober) and has capacity to engage with decision making


  • Touch is slow, soft, and gentle to engage with c-tactile afferent nerve fibers

  • Long strokes from feet to hips to shoulders and neck with oil

  • Provider may use their hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, and legs on client's body

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